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Hospital Beds

What Should You Know Before Trying To Get A Medicare Hospital Bed?

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SonderCare Learning Center

Are you or a loved one in need of a hospital bed at home? It’s important to know what options are available and if Medicare coverage is possible. If it is possible for your situation, knowing the different types of beds and their features can help you make an informed choice despite the overwhelming nature of medical equipment. In this article, we explore the question, “What Should You Know Before Trying To Get A Medicare Hospital Bed?”

Picture of David D.
David D.

Health & Medical Writer

Picture of Kyle S.
Kyle S.

Hospital Bed Expert
Proofreader / Editor

SonderCare Editorial Policy

All of our articles are written by a professional medical writer and edited for accuracy by a hospital bed expert. SonderCare is a Hospital Bed company with locations across the U.S. and Canada. We distribute, install and service our certified home hospital beds across North America. Our staff is made up of several hospital bed experts that have worked in the medical equipment industry for more than 20 years. Read more about our company here. Here is our privacy policy.

Learn About Important Considerations To Make Before Getting Medicare Beds

Key Takeaways
✅ Medicare coverage for a hospital bed requires a doctor’s recommendation and specific criteria to be met, as well as cost considerations. SonderCare offers high end luxury beds and is not a Medicare or insurance approved vendor.
✅ Different types of hospital beds, including manual, semi-electric, and fully electric, offer varying levels of patient comfort and caregiver convenience. Higher functionality beds are not typically covered by Medicare.
✅ Mattress options for hospital beds include foam, innerspring, and air. Occasionally they are covered in part by Medicare but it depends on the supplier and type of mattress.
✅ When deciding whether to rent or buy a hospital bed, consider factors such as short-term vs long-term needs, cost, and quality of care, and work with healthcare professionals to make an informed decision. SonderCare beds are not covered by Medicare.

Hospital beds can be categorized as manual, semi-electric, or fully electric and not all types are covered by insurance. There are different types, each with its own benefits and features. It is crucial to know which type will best suit your situation to ensure the patient’s comfort and safety which will aid in your decision to use Medicare or insurance coverage.

Besides understanding Medicare’s hospital bed coverage criteria, you can determine if you qualify for financial assistance. Medicare does not often cover the entire price of the bed.

Let’s explore each type of bed in detail so you can make an informed decision about getting a Medicare hospital bed.

Types of Hospital Beds Available to Purchase or Rent

In many cases, doctors prescribe bed rest as a way to reduce physical activity, promote tissue healing, reduce inflammation, and prevent further complications. Injuries or illnesses can be treated with bed rest without placing additional pressure on affected areas. In addition, prolonged immobility reduces the risk of blood clots forming in the legs. Patients who need time to recover from surgical procedures may benefit from bed rest as well.

Extensive bed rest can, however, cause muscle atrophy, bone loss, decreased cardiovascular function, and reduced lung capacity. During prolonged periods of bed rest, healthcare professionals usually prescribe exercises or physical therapy sessions that maintain muscle strength and mobility. In order to prevent long-term complications of immobility, these interventions are crucial.

During times of boredom or frustration in a hospital bed, patients may attempt to climb out against medical advice. Such actions, while understandable, can be dangerous and worsen a patient’s condition by exposing them to possible injuries. Caretakers and medical personnel must work closely together to make sure that patients remain comfortable and safe while resting in bed.

Understanding why bed rest is necessary and what steps can be taken during this time will allow individuals to assess their condition accurately while maintaining mobility safely when possible. Patients should work closely with healthcare professionals throughout their treatment journey; this collaboration will ensure optimal outcomes as they move towards recovery. The benefits of a home hospital bed are easy to see and that’s why Medicare approves some (typically lower functionality) types of beds. 

Unique Features and Benefits of Manual Medicare Beds

Among the advantages of manual hospital beds is their flexibility, which allows patients and caregivers to adjust the position of their beds according to their comfort needs. These beds feature simple manually adjusted options, such as varying head and foot positions, which can help reduce discomfort caused by prolonged bedtimes. For those on a tight budget, manual beds are usually more affordable than their electric counterparts. These are the types of beds that Medicare offers in their network.

Buying a hospital bed for home or for a loved one who needs care should be based on a cost comparison. It is generally more expensive to buy an electric or semi-electric hospital bed than a manual one but they are proven to provide a higher level better comfort and care quality. In spite of their lack of bells and whistles, manual beds are likely to be covered in part by insurance and still provide a level of basic functionality for patient care. The major downside is they may break or wear out quicker because they are made of weaker materials.

One of the only benefits to using a manual hospital bed over an electric or semi-electric one is the fact that they do not require electricity, and the fact that they are more affordable. However, if you want additional features like motorized adjustments or increased weight capacity, you may want to consider semi-electric or fully electric models. On top of that, companies such as SonderCare provide backup battery solutions to help the patient continue to operate the bed even in a power outage event.

Towards the end of this section, we’ll explore some of the advantages semi-electric beds offer over manual beds.

Advantages of Semi-Electric Beds Insurance Beds

Semi-electric hospital beds are a great choice if you need a bed that has both advanced features and affordability. The head and foot section of semi-electric beds can be easily adjusted electrically compared to manual beds. As a result, caregivers will have slightly less strain if the bed needs to be raised or lowered manually but still require more effort than electric beds.

The hand controls on semi-electric beds allow patients to adjust their positions without the need for assistance from caregivers. Despite their slightly higher cost, semi-electric beds provide better comfort and convenience for patients over manual beds and are known to occasionally be partially covered by Medicare and major insurance providers. 

These models while slightly more expensive than manual models, still provide a variety of advanced features that improve patient care and comfort at a lower cost than fully electric models. Buying a semi-electric bed may be the right choice for you if cost is a concern and you want some degree of automation but still need Medicare coverage.

Our recommendation is to take a look at fully electric hospital beds if the absolutely highest levels of comfort functionality are needed or desired for your sick or elderly loved one and also if you require a bed that is infinitely adjustable and have a very long operating lifespan.

Benefits of Fully Electric Beds Insurance Beds

Patient care and comfort can be greatly enhanced by investing in an electric hospital bed. These higher end bed are not covered by Medicare very often but in some instances private insurance companies will recognize the need and offer reimbursement. Very few providers will outright cover the cost of the bed before delivery and instead many people purchase the bed themselves and seek reimbursement later. A number of advanced features are available on these models that make it easier for caregivers to adjust positions and provide care which are high value benefits that justify the out of pocket expense. Some of the benefits of using an electric bed are as follows:

  • Remote control: With a remote control, patients can easily adjust their position without having to rely on caregivers. This feature provides them with more independence and control over their own comfort.
  • Height adjustability: Fully electric beds have height-adjustable frames that make it easier for caregivers to access the patient during caregiving tasks. This feature also allows patients to get in and out of bed more easily.
  • Improved safety: Fully electric beds often come with features such as side rails, which prevent patients from falling off the bed. These rails can be adjusted according to the patient’s needs.
  • Pain relief: Fully electric beds allow for a wide range of adjustments, which can help relieve pressure points on the body and reduce pain.

In addition to providing better care, you will also improve the overall quality of life for your loved one or patient by paying out of pocket for an electric hospital bed and seeking reimbursement later. Caregiver tasks are less physically demanding when they can adjust their height using the remote control feature.

Additionally, you will have peace of mind knowing that your loved one is safe while they sleep with improved safety measures like side rails. The ability of fully electric beds to relieve pressure points on the body is another essential benefit they provide.

To help you understand what factors need consideration before purchasing equipment like this under Medicare coverage policies, we will discuss Medicare criteria for coverage of hospital beds.

Medicare Criteria for Coverage of Hospital Beds

Most people have heard from a friend or acquaintance how difficult it can be to navigate Medicare’s network of suppliers and approved vendors. It’s like trying to decipher a secret code! But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

There are some things you should know before looking into Medicare coverage if you need a hospital bed. In the first place, Medicare has strict guidelines when it comes to the type of hospital bed they will cover. Beds must meet certain criteria and be deemed medically necessary by your doctor in order to qualify for coverage. In addition to an adjustable headrest and height, side rails prevent falls. These are guidelines and you must consult with your physician, Medicare contact and insurance representative about the specifics of your case.

Cost considerations also come into play when it comes to getting a Medicare-covered hospital bed. While Medicare does provide coverage for certain types of beds, it may not cover the full cost of the equipment. You may also have rental options available instead of purchasing outright if that better suits your financial situation.

It’s important to make informed decisions about getting a Medicare hospital bed. This means understanding exactly what is covered by Medicare and what is not as well as the health and comfort requirements that you or your loved ones require. Additionally, it’s important to work with healthcare professionals who can help guide you through the process and ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed accurately and in a timely manner.

Before making any decisions about getting a Medicare hospital bed, take time to research your options thoroughly and understand all aspects of the process. By doing so, you can ensure that you or your loved one gets the care they need while navigating this sometimes complicated system with confidence. If your loved one is requesting a higher quality bed with advanced features and the highest level of comfort it may not be possible to meet those needs with a bed that is approved by Medicare.

Making Informed Decisions About Getting a Medicare Hospital Bed

t’s crucial to thoroughly research options and understand all aspects of the process when considering a Medicare-covered hospital bed, in order to make informed decisions. Here are three things you should keep in mind:

  1. Cost considerations: While Medicare does cover some of the costs for hospital beds, it may not cover everything. Be sure to check what your out-of-pocket expenses will be, as well as any additional fees or charges that may come up.
  2. Rental options: In many cases, renting a hospital bed is more cost-effective than buying one outright. However, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.
  3. Quality of care: The quality of care you receive while using a hospital bed is just as important as the bed itself. Make sure that whoever provides your equipment is reputable and experienced in providing medical equipment.

When making decisions about getting a Medicare-covered hospital bed, it’s important to consider both short-term and long-term needs. If you’re only going to need the bed for a short period of time, renting may be the best option for you financially. On the other hand, if you anticipate needing the bed long-term, buying one outright might be more cost-effective in the long run.

In addition to considering cost and rental options when choosing a Medicare-covered hospital bed, don’t forget about other factors such as comfort and functionality. You want to make sure that whatever equipment you choose meets all your needs so that you can focus on healing comfortably at home without worrying about additional complications or discomforts.

Remember that this decision is ultimately yours – take time researching different options available before deciding on what works best for your specific situation!

Research and Sources

According to their website and documentation, Medicare Part B may cover hospital beds as durable medical equipment (DME) for use in your home, prescribed by a doctor. After meeting the Part B deductible, you pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount, if the supplier accepts assignment. Options for obtaining the equipment include renting or buying, depend entirely on the type of DME. It’s essential to ensure that both doctors and DME suppliers are enrolled in Medicare and to confirm if they participate in Medicare before acquiring the DME (Medicare.gov, 2023). Medicare coverage of wheelchairs, hospital beds and other durable medical equipment is considered difficult according to consumer surveys and indepenedent research; it can be a major source of confusion for people with Medicare, their families and the professionals who work with them (Coviello, 2002). Changes in the supply of nursing home beds by Medicaid certification status of facilities are also frequent and fluid as a result of promulgated public policies affecting nursing homes. (Liu, 1992).

  • Medicare Coverage of Hospital Beds. Medicare.gov, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Accessed  2023. Medicare.gov. Your Medicare Coverage – Hospital Beds
  • Coviello, Amy. “Medicare and Durable Medical Equipment.” Issue Brief, no. 2002 (2002): Business, Law, Medicine.
  • Liu, K., Taghavi, L., & Cornelius, E. “Changes in Medicaid Nursing Home Beds and Residents.” Health Care Financing Review, 1992. Economics, Medicine.

  • Medicare Part B may cover some or all of the cost of a hospital bed if it is doctor-prescribed and considered “durable medical equipment”. SonderCare is not in a durable medical equipment network.
  • To qualify, you need a doctor’s prescription stating that the bed is a medical necessity and that you require home hospital care
  • Medicare covers 80% of the Medicare-approved amount if supplier is enrolled; you pay 20% coinsurance in nearly all cases.
  • Beds covered include semi-electric beds, some air fluidized beds and manual beds. Electric beds are not typically covered.
  • Medicare benefit is typically capped depending on the specifics of the case.
  • SonderCare does not communicate with Medicare and is not a Medicare approved vendor.

Frequently Asked Questions About Deciding on Medicare or Insurance Beds

A Medicare hospital bed refers to a bed that is covered by Medicare, a U.S. government health insurance program. These beds are medically necessary durable medical equipment (DME) that can be used at home.

Yes, Medicare Part B may cover hospital beds as DME if your doctor determines it’s medically necessary and prescribes it for use in your home.

The patient must have a medical need for the specific features of a hospital bed, and the bed must be prescribed by a Medicare-approved doctor. The equipment supplier must also be a Medicare-approved provider.

First, your doctor will need to write a prescription outlining your need for a hospital bed. Then, you’ll need to rent or purchase a bed from a supplier that is enrolled in Medicare.

If you qualify, Medicare Part B will typically cover 80% of the Medicare-approved amount for the bed rental or purchase. You or your supplemental insurance would be responsible for the remaining 20%, after you’ve met your yearly Part B deductible. SonderCare beds are private pay and is not a Medicare approved company.

Medicare covers different types of hospital beds based on medical necessity. This can range from manual to electric beds. However, Medicare typically doesn’t cover full-electric beds as they’re often considered a convenience feature.

Not necessarily. The choice of bed must be deemed medically necessary by a doctor and fall within what Medicare covers. Plus, your supplier must participate in Medicare.

Medicare may cover some accessories if they are deemed medically necessary by your doctor. This can include items like bed rails or a trapeze bar.

Medicare allows for either rental or purchase of hospital beds, depending on your specific circumstances. Your doctor and medical equipment supplier can provide guidance on this.

You can find Medicare-approved suppliers by using the supplier directory on the Medicare website. It’s essential to ensure the supplier participates in Medicare to receive coverage benefits.

Start Exploring Hospital Beds With SonderCare

Are you recently discharged from hospital, experiencing mobility issues, or in need of palliative or senior care? Enjoy a smoother recovery and get the luxury you deserve by choosing our home hospital products. Contact us today to discuss home hospital beds, mattresses, stand assist chairs and other accessories to make your home hospice perfect for a truly comfortable experience.

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